Please Write a Review

Facebook friends who’ve read my book, please write a review on Amazon. It’s really quite simple.

First, find my book, Life and Death in Narrow Creek, on Amazon. I’ll make it easy for you. Here’s the link:

Now scroll down until you find Customer Reviews on the left. (You’ll see the stars.)

Under Customer Reviews, find the words, Review this product. Underneath is a rectangular box that says Write a customer review. Click on it.

I’ve given you the steps, but you can also just click on Write a customer review (in purple below) to take you where you need to go to review Life and Death in Narrow Creek.

Customer reviews

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You’ll be taken to your Sign-In where you’ll need your password. (You must have an Amazon account to leave a review. You probably have an account if you’ve ever ordered anything from Amazon.)

Password (TV series) 1967.jpg

Now you’re ready to write something. This might be the stumbling block for many folks. It shouldn’t be. Don’t worry about sounding like a professional book critic. Your review doesn’t have to be long or profound. Just be you.

What did you like about the book? Which character(s) were your favorite? Did you like the setting? The writing itself? Did this book remind you of another you’ve read? Be as specific as possible. Try to give someone who’s deciding whether to read Life and Death in Narrow Creek something to go on.

Here’s an example of a review I’ve received:

What a delightful read. This book is filled with small town Southern charm, relatable characters and situations. No matter where you live, someone is always up to something and everyone is talking about it. People want to know “whodunnit and why. Dee Ann makes it her mission to find out. Ms. Dee Ann’s career, as an amateur sleuth, is a funny and often precarious balance of her life as a young wife, mother, teacher and “newcomer” to Narrow Creek. So come sit a spell and enjoy some time in Narrow Creek for another fun and intriguing adventure. You will be glad you did. This second volume is like having a family reunion with some people you are always glad to see and some you wish had stayed home.

Be careful, though, not to give away the ending. Don’t tell who poisoned Floyd!

Above all, be honest and fair. Don’t automatically give a five-star. Four stars are good too. And if there’s something you didn’t like about the book, give it fewer stars, but again, be specific. Why didn’t you like the book? Don’t just call it stupid or boring.

Why am I begging for reviews? Because they matter. Here’s the deal. Nobody is exactly sure, since Amazon guards its data so closely, but some experts speculate that one million new books are published on the Amazon Kindle Store each year. I’ve also read there are 7,500 new Kindle books each day, more than one per minute.

Life and Death in Narrow Creek is up against a lot of competition, y’all. I need to make my book visible. Reviews help do that.

I’m a little (okay, more than a little) jealous of how many reviews Inez Ribustello has for her memoir, Life after Windows. Look at the information on this page at the beginning of her book: 130 reviews and still counting. (I just checked Amazon. She has 261 ratings. I really am jealous now.)

Seriously, Inez is a lovely person and she’s written a great book. She deserves her success. She’s even been kind enough to buy and read both my books and give me a shout-out on Instagram.

So I’m going to channel my jealousy into inspiration. If Inez can get 261 ratings, maybe I can get 50 reviews? If you’ve read Life and Death in Narrow Creek, please take a few minutes and help me reach this goal.

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2 Responses to Please Write a Review

  1. DAVID & JULIE LEE says:

    Done! I thoroughly enjoyed it, Patsy.


    Sent from my iPhone



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